• 1Pertama, pastikan blog Anda setup dengan benar pada NetworkedBlogs.

    Jika Anda belum menambahkan blog Anda belum, lalu kunjungi halaman muka app dan klik pada
    "+ Add a New Blog". Dan jika feed Anda tidak menarik untuk NetworkedBlogs belum, pastikan untuk mendapatkan yang tetap. Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan dengan itu, kunjungi help page.
  • 2. Instal NetworkedBlogs pada halaman fan.

    Kunjungi halaman penuh halaman dengan mengklik link 'Artikel' menu di bagian kanan atas untuk mengelola halaman Anda.

  • 3. Tambahkan NetworkedBlogs tab.
    Anda dapat melakukannya dari Facebook Page itu sendiri.

  • 4.Gunakan 'Penerbit' untuk berbagi posting blog Anda dengan penggemar.

    Sekarang Anda dapat mempublikasikan posting blog masing-masing secara langsung dari halaman Anda, tanpa harus mengunjungi NetworkedBlogs. Posts berbagi dengan cara ini didistribusikan ke halaman rumah penggemar Anda.

    Catatan 1: Anda harus menginstal tab NetworkedBlogs pertama untuk fungsi ini untuk bekerja.

    Catatan 2: Ini adalah cara manual untuk mempublikasikan posting. Cara otomatis disajikan untuk Anda sebagai baik ketika Anda menambahkan aplikasi ke halaman Anda (langkah 2 di atas).

    Selamat Mencoba dan jangan lupa langganan artikel ini di bawah posting

    Makasih :D

Diposting oleh Makrus ali Selasa, 01 Desember 2009 0 komentar

Aplikasi Untuk Menghasilkan Uang Di Dunia Maya

Aplikasi Untuk Menghasilkan Uang Di Dunia Maya

Anda Hanya Cukup bergabung dengan Aplikasi Facebook bernama PayPal Wishlist Anda bisa langsung mendapatkan duit $1. Kemudian jika Anda ingin mendapatkan $1 berikutnya ada harus bisa mereferensikan program ini ke pengguna lainnya. Untuk bisa menerima Earning, total keseluruhan yang dicapai harus maksimal $100, setelah itu layanan PayPal Wishlist akan langsung mengirimkan duit ke rekening PayPal Anda. Sesuai dengan ketentuan pihak Wishlist, maka penghasilan Anda baru dapat diterima pada tanggal 28 Februari 1000. Tenang masih lama kok haha :)

Cara mendaftar PayPal Wishlist:

  • Login dengan account Facebook Anda
  • Kemudian masuk ke halaman promosi Paypal Wishlist
  • Masukkan alamat email Paypal yang sudah terverifikasi, kalo belum punya PayPal daftar aja dulu program PayPal Wishlist, urusan verifikasi email PayPal belakangan aja :D
  • Langkah terakhir tinggal membuat Wishlist Anda. Lalu share aja langsung ke teman-teman Anda di Facebook.
Apa program PayPal Wishlist is Scam?
Jangan pedulikan itu dulu yang penting gabung aja sekarang. Urusan Scam itu urusan belakangan, toh gak keluar duitnya ..
Sebernya Q Sih g begitu paham.. tpi klo udah paham enak..
bisa dpt duwit sendiri...
Makasih :D

Diposting oleh Makrus ali 0 komentar

silahkan isi form dibawah:

First Name:
E-Mail Address:


Diposting oleh Makrus ali Selasa, 14 April 2009 0 komentar

WELCOME and THANK YOU for choosing FreeeAutobot. Please be sure to take full advantage of FreeAutobot dynamic features. Enjoy!

We highly recommend you look at the following link to take advantage of a unique freeautobot collection of autoresponder messages, hints and tips to improve your autoresponder usage plus an entire follow-up email system for you to set up yourself.

Click below or paste in your browser window



To LOG-IN - Enter your USERNAME and PASSWORD to LOGON at: http://freeautobot.com/cgi-bin/autores/autores.cgi


This will take you to your private Main Menu.


With your LOGON information you will be able to logon and see these links: Home / Add Lead / Search Lead / Message Control / Log Out.

1. In Message Control, you write your own series of messages and choose how many days 'after the previous' you want your message to go out. You also choose your Subject Line. Please note the immediate message is message 0 and this is the instant autoresponse. Message 1 is follow-up message 1.

2. You start adding potential customers to your list. There are 3 ways to add a lead:

a. They send an email to sanandreas@FreeAutobot.com. Whenever they send e-mail to your FreeAutobot address, they will automatically receive your FreeAutobot series of e-mails.
b. You can add them manually. SEE Add Lead section when you log on.
c. They add themselves by completing an opt-in form. SEE the Help file on the Add Leads page. The Opt-In Form is to be placed on your Web Pages. Whenever any new customer enters their details into your Opt-In Form, they begin to receive your FreeAutobot series of e-mails.

Please note as shown in the FAQ'S If an address is already in your database it will not be sent a second series of emails. You will need to delete it first.

To make HTML messages write your message as a web page and upload the source (the raw HTML) to the message window.

You can use the buttons on the search results page (the page you see after you have searched your leads) to send a one-off email to your entire database and also to download your database. Please note there is NO UPLOAD FACILITY due to spammers.

Please ensure that you do not send email to those that have not requested it.

Should any questions arise please read through the help files and FAQ's first before you contact us. We will make every effort to guide you along the way. Please remember this is a FREE service and we would appreciate you telling your friends and contacts about us.

Please support us by clicking on our advertisers text links each time you log on…. And TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR FREE BANNER EXCHANGE PROGRAM. We will give you 500 Shows of your banner, just for activating your Banner. Please be sure to read the instruction when you log on.

FREEAUTOBOT has purchased a huge bundle of FULL-VERSION e-books worth $600. They contain the very best information on developing an Internet Marketing Business. These are the BEST of the BEST and we are offering EXCLUSIVE TO FREEAUTOBOT USERS everything you see below away for only $19.95.

SAVE $100's on the VERY BEST Collection of E-books available visit


Diposting oleh Makrus ali Jumat, 10 April 2009 0 komentar

Step 1. Login to the members area.
Step 2. Click the 'Add Site' link and add your website(s) to your account.
Step 3. Click the Earn Credits Link to launch the SuperSurf.

Each time you view a website via the SuperSurf one visitor is sent to your websites.

Some Useful Links

Your SuperSurf Link:
To start earning visitors quickly open the following link or click on Earn Credits in the members area.


Your SuperStart Link:
Set your homepage to this link to gain visitors each time you open a new browser window.


Your Referral link: Use this link when sending your friends to TrafficG.


Other things you can do in the members area:

1. Assign credits to your sites;
2. Add more sites;
3. Modify your existing site information;
4. Earn more credits; (One Credit = One Visitor)
5. Generate your referral html code (50 credits per direct referral);
6. Check to see how many Referrals you have and contact them;
7. Check your stats to see how many visitors you have received and how many credits you have earned;
8. Upload your Exchanger 468x60 banner advert;
9. Download your Exchanger Bar; (Earn 1 banner impression per minute)
10. Get your Exchanger Web site Code. (Earn Exchanger credits when someone visits your site(s))

Some FAQ's:

Q. How do I earn credits/visitors to my site?
A. Use the SuperSurf, use the SuperStart, use the Exchanger, or a combination of all three services.

Q. How many sites am I allowed to visit each day?
A. As many as you want, we have no limits on the amount of sites you can visit.

Q. Isn't there an easier way to gain visitors to my site?
A. Yes, visit our advertising page for more details.

Q. What is the Exchanger service?
A. A software banner exchanger and a Normal banner exchange. Either download the Exchanger to view ads directly on your screen and/or place some banner code on your web site. In turn you get a 2:1 ratio of ads viewed to ads shown. The system also allows you to earn from 3 levels of referrals at 25%, 15% and 10%. Plus you get 100 credits in your account to start you off!

Q. How do I earn Exchanger credits?
A. You can earn Exchanger credits three ways:
1. By downloading and running the Exchanger Software;
2. Inserting the Exchanger code in your web site;
3. From your 3 referral levels at 25%, 15% and 10%.

Q. So can I run the Exchanger software and have the code on my web site at the same time?
A. Yes! You can earn credits from both simultaneously.

Q. How do I close the Exchanger so it no longer appears on my screen?
A. Click the cross (x) button in the top left hand corner of the bar.

Q. Can I move the Exchanger to another part of my screen?
A. Yes! Using the arrow (->) on the bar, hold down your left mouse button and move the bar to its required position.

Q. What is the green light on the Exchanger bar for?
A. This shows when you are actively earning credits. If you leave you PC, the light will start to flash meaning you are not earning credits as you are no longer there.

Q. What is the H for on the bar?
A. Clicking the H will take you to your TrafficG homepage, ready for you to earn normal SuperSurf credits or check your stats.

Q. A banner comes up on the Exchanger bar telling me to click a number to continue. What is it for and what do I have to do?
A. This is one of the bars security features to help prevent cheaters defrauding both you and us out of Exchanger credits. We believe it's the best and most secure adbar available anywhere on the net. To continue, simply click the numbers it tells you to and hit the enter button. If you make a mistake, hit the clear button to retry.

Peter Kelly
http://WebmasterQuest.com -- Website Promotion
http://All4Webs.com -- Free Websites
http://AdsVert.com -- Viral Text Ads
http://OBOads.com -- Cool Classified Adverts
http://All4Hosting.com -- Web Hosting
http://FreeRotator.com -- Website Tools
http://EternalHits.com -- Website Promotion

Diposting oleh Makrus ali Selasa, 31 Maret 2009 0 komentar

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